Chen Zhang (张辰)


About Me

I am currently a Ph.D. student at Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), where I am advised by Prof. Dawei Song, and closely collaborate with Prof. Qiuchi Li from UCPH and Prof. Benyou Wang from CUHK-SZ. I also recently collaborate with Dr. Jingang Wang from Meituan NLP on large language models.

My current research interests lie in the general area of natural language processing, particularly efficient language models and language agents. Prior to that, I was devoted to opinion mining and model generalization.

I am on the job market 2024-2025 and actively seeking both academic and industrial positions. Drop me an email via chenzhang9702[AT]outlook[DOT]com if you are interested in collaborating with me.

Recent Highlights

Feb. 19th, 2024. Two long papers got accepted to COLING 2024.

Jan. 18th, 2024. One long paper got accepted to EACL 2024.

Dec. 27th, 2023. MiniMA and MiniChat are lifted to MiniMA-2 and MiniChat-2 respectively. MiniMA-2 together with MiniMA and other arts completes the compute-performance frontier and MiniChat-2 surpasses Vicuna-7B on MT-Bench.

Nov. 13rd, 2023. Our distilled language model MiniMA and its instruction-tuned version MiniChat have established a new compute-performance pareto frontier among exsiting language models.

May 4th, 2023. One long paper got accepted to ACL 2023.

Apr. 10th, 2023. Our instruction-following language model Phoenix reached comparable performance to ChatGLM-6b.

Oct. 7th, 2022. Three long papers got accepted to EMNLP 2022.



MiniMA, MiniMA-2
A distilled language model established a new compute-performance pareto frontier among existing language models.

MiniChat, MiniChat-2
An instruction-following language model that achieves competitive performance with a small scale.

An instruction-following language model that is competitive with ChatGLM-6b.

A large language model that reaches top-level performance on CLUE benchmark.

Publications & Manuscripts google semantic

# indicates equal contributions.

Efficient Language Models

Towards the Law of Capacity Gap in Distilling Language Models.
Chen Zhang, Dawei Song, Zheyu Ye, and Yan Gao.
Preprint. [arXiv][code]

How Speculative Could Speculative Decoding Be?
Zhuorui Liu, Chen Zhang, and Dawei Song.
In COLING 2024.

Task-agnostic Distillation of Encoder-Decoder Language Models.
Chen Zhang, Yang Yang, Qiuchi Li, Jingang Wang, and Dawei Song.
In COLING 2024. [arXiv]

Lifting the Curse of Capacity Gap in Distilling Language Models.
Chen Zhang, Yang Yang, Jiahao Liu, Jingang Wang, Yunsen Xian, Benyou Wang, and Dawei Song.
In ACL 2023. [arXiv][slides][code]

On Elastic Language Models.
Chen Zhang, Benyou Wang, and Dawei Song.
In submission to TOIS. [arXiv]

MiniDisc: Minimal Distillation Schedule for Language Model Compression.
Chen Zhang, Yang Yang, Qifan Wang, Jiahao Liu, Jingang Wang, Wei Wu, and Dawei Song.
In EACL 2024 Findings. [arXiv][code]

Sparse Teachers Can Be Dense with Knowledge.
Yi Yang#, Chen Zhang#, and Dawei Song.
In EMNLP 2022. [arXiv][poster][code]

Language Agents

Phoenix: Democratizing ChatGPT across Languages.
Zhihong Chen, Feng Jiang, Junying Chen, Tiannan Wang, Fei Yu, Guiming Chen, Hongbo Zhang, Juhao Liang, Chen Zhang, Zhiyi Zhang, Jianquan Li, Xiang Wan, Benyou Wang, and Haizhou Li.
Preprint. [arXiv][code]

Opinion Mining

PyABSA: A Modularized Framework for Reproducible Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis.
Heng Yang, Chen Zhang, and Ke Li.
In CIKM 2023 Demo. [arXiv][code]

Structural Bias For Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction.
Chen Zhang, Lei Ren, Fang Ma, Jingang Wang, Wei Wu, and Dawei Song.
In COLING 2022. [arXiv][slides][code][data][blog]

Aspect-specific Context Modeling for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis.
Fang Ma, Chen Zhang, Bo Zhang, and Dawei Song.
In NLPCC 2022. [arXiv][slides][data]

Exploiting Position Bias for Robust Aspect Sentiment Classification.
Fang Ma#, Chen Zhang#, and Dawei Song.
In ACL 2021 Findings. [arXiv][slides][code]

End-to-end Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction via Learning to Link.
Haolin Song, Chen Zhang, Qiuchi Li, and Dawei Song.
Preprint. [arXiv][code]

A Multi-task Learning Framework for Opinion Triplet Extraction.
Chen Zhang, Qiuchi Li, Dawei Song, and Benyou Wang.
In EMNLP 2020 Findings. [arXiv][paper][code]

Aspect-based Sentiment Classification with Aspect-specific Graph Convolutional Networks.
Chen Zhang, Qiuchi Li, and Dawei Song.
In EMNLP 2019. [arXiv][slides][code]

Syntax-Aware Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification with Proximity-Weighted Convolution Network.
Chen Zhang, Qiuchi Li, and Dawei Song.
In SIGIR 2019. [arXiv][poster][code]

Model Generalization

Modular Retrieval for Generalization and Interpretation.
Juhao Liang, Chen Zhang, Zhengyang Tang, Jie Fu, Dawei Song, and Benyou Wang.
Preprint. [arXiv][code]

XPrompt: Exploring the Extreme of Prompt Tuning.
Fang Ma, Chen Zhang, Lei Ren, Jingang Wang, Qifan Wang, Wei Wu, Xiaojun Quan, and Dawei Song.
In EMNLP 2022. [arXiv][poster]

Making Pretrained Language Models Good Long-tailed Learners.
Chen Zhang, Lei Ren, Jingang Wang, Wei Wu, and Dawei Song.
In EMNLP 2022. [arXiv][poster][code]

dogetickets Doge Tickets: Uncovering Domain-general Language Models by Playing Lottery Tickets.
Yi Yang#, Chen Zhang#, Benyou Wang, and Dawei Song.
In NLPCC 2022, Best Paper Award. [arXiv][slides][code]

Adaptable Text Matching via Meta-Weight Regulator.
Bo Zhang, Chen Zhang, Fang Ma, and Dawei Song.
In SIGIR 2022. [arXiv][paper][slides]

A Simple Baseline for Cross-domain Few-shot Text Classification.
Chen Zhang and Dawei Song.
In NLPCC 2021. [paper][slides][code]


Organizer: WSDM CUP 2024.


Secondary Reviewer: WSDM, ICTIR, TOIS.

Volunteer: EMNLP.

Honors & Awards

Best Paper Award at NLPCC. 2022.

Elite Ph.D. Student at BIT. 2021.

XIAOMI Scholarship. 2021.

Excellent Undergraduate & Graduation Thesis at BIT. 2019.

SIGIR Student Travel Grant by SIGIR. 2019.

Excellent Prize in International Collegiate Competition for Brain-inspired Computing. 2018.

Quite A Few Medals from Chinese (CCGC) and International (TAAI, ICGA) Computer Games Competition. 2017, 2018, 2019.

Third Prize at China University ROBOt COmpetitioN (ROBOCON), member of Robot Team DreamChaser at BIT. 2018.

First Prize at China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Beijing Division. 2016.